Prijava za učešće na međunarodnom festivalu folklora "Jasikovački đerdani" koji će se održati u Beranama od 27-29 septembra 2024. godine.
Festival je podržan od strane Ministarstva kulture i medija.
Kotizacija: 1 noćenje sa doručkom i svečana večera 28. - iznosi 55€; 2 noćenja sa doručkom i svečana večera 28. - iznosi 85€, 3 noćenja sa doručkom i svečana večera 28. - iznosi 115€ i 4 noćenja sa doručkom i svečana večera 28. - iznosi 145€. Dolazak na festival je u sopstvenoj režiji. Broj učesnika je maksimum 30 (28+ godina), smještaj je u hotelima sa 2 i 3 zvjezdice u zavisnosti od kapaciteta. Maksimalno trajanje koreografije je do 10 minuta. Rok za prijavu je do 15. septembra.
Kontakt telefon: +382-67-528-271 / email:
Application for participation at the International Folklore Festival "Jasikovački đerdani" in Berane, September 27-29, 2024.
The Festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media.
The registration fee is: 1 night with breakfast and a festive dinner on the 28th - €85; 2 nights with breakfast and a festive dinner on the 28th - €85; 3 nights with breakfast and a festive dinner on the 28th - €115; 4 nights with breakfast and a festive dinner on the 28th - €145. Arriving at the festival is at your discretion. The maximum number of participants is 30 (age 28+), and accommodation is in 2* and 3* hotels, depending on capacity. The maximum duration of the choreography is up to 10 minutes. Application deadline is September 15th.
**Ukoliko dolazite avionom obezbjeđen je transport od aerodroma u Podgorici do Berana i nazad. / In case you will arrive by airplane we provide transportation from Podgorica airport to the Berane where the festival is taking place and back to the airport after the festival.